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catalog /products

Proven solutions specifically tailored to the needs of your team

train you team in a different way

Offer your team the opportunity of a transformative experience, in which they acquire leadership skills through innovative and enjoyable products, in a fun, different, and immersive environment.

Our training products integrate the latest advances and trends in leadership, neuroscience, education, and technology.


If you want to achieve different results, do things differently...

new! /escape rooms

Many of the valuable things in life, those that we use in the various fields in which we operate, were learned through playing. At dotsaboutyou, we rescue this great resource and develop escape rooms for your team, both in-person and virtual, in which they will be confronted with dilemmas in immersive environments, forced to make the best decisions to achieve their objectives. Thanks to the games, your team will firsthand perceive such relevant aspects as their emotions, their communication, and their actions.

2033 Survivors - Team work development

In the midst of a post-apocalyptic world, you will have to face the decision of saving yourself or risking your life for the benefit of others.


Survivors 2033 is an In-person Escape Room that develops teamwork, driven by a common purpose. This game will reveal how coordinated the members of your team are, how they communicate, and which elements weigh most heavily in their decision-making.

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Andromeda 2067 - Leadership development

Humanity has already colonized the planet Mars, and a delegation of leaders is sent to the Andromeda station, the nerve center of the colonization program, when suddenly the AI controlling the space station fails...


In this virtual Escape Room, your team will have the opportunity to develop critical leadership competencies for decision-making in today's world, where AI and remote work are a reality, and where a systemic approach is the best option for addressing BANI environments: Brittle, Anxious, Non-linear, and Incomprehensible.


Based on the narrative and immersive environment of our Escape Rooms, we adapt them to the needs of your team, focusing on the competencies it needs to develop.


Thanks to our solid experience in co-creating training programs, we are capable of adapting this great experience to the circumstances, skills, and areas of opportunity of your organization.


Is your team ready to accept the challenge?

escribiendo a contact@dots

Revisa la disponibilidad en nuestro calendario, nos quedan pocas fechas:

apoyo emocional

No organization is exempt from going through difficult times, resulting from processes of change and transformation, especially in today's world where there are increasingly more variables to consider and circumstances change quickly and unexpectedly.


Rely on dotsaboutyou to stay with you in navigating these tumultuous journeys, where confusion and emotional costs are present.

new! / emotional first aid kit

"After the pandemic, the taboos regarding the importance and value of mental health care in organizations have - definitively and fortunately - collapsed. As coaches and psychologists, we witnessed the enormous impact that isolation and uncertainty, experienced by many during 2021, brought with them. We have confirmed two realities: the value for organizations in managing concrete initiatives to support emotionally vulnerable individuals, leaders, and teams, and the need to equip leaders with a minimum repertoire of skills and abilities to emotionally sustain and manage their teams during periods of high uncertainty. At Dots, we have created a program to address this need, contact us here for more information..."


unleash your creative and innovative power.

In today's world, organizations cannot afford to dispense with the creativity and the innovation that arises from it. Therefore, we have developed training programs that bring to the surface that innate ability we humans have to construct new solutions to the problems and challenges we encounter on our path.


How does a creative leader think, feel, and act?


How does an innovative team talk among them?

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new! / C4C creativity for change

Creativity plays a vital role in innovation and, consequently, in evolution. Our new creative support service consists of 2 services:

  1. Harness Your Creativity. A series of 8 online workshops that unleash the creative capacity of leaders and explore the possibilities that art, design, and other creative tools can offer. This workshop can be taught over three consecutive days in person.

  2. Creative Services. One of the biggest 'pain points' for leaders and organizations is not knowing how to fully utilize their knowledge through impactful presentations that enhance or fully leverage their message with the power of imagery. With this service, you just have to send a Word document or a PowerPoint presentation, and we will return it to you with all the impact of advertising resources at your fingertips.

are you selling using skills from this century?

Today's seller must listen in a different way and know how to connect with the deep concerns of their potential customers.

If your organization needs to attract new customers or wants to increase engagement, the best decision you can make is to train your sales teams in conversational skills specifically oriented towards commercial activity.

new! / commercial skills hub

Currently, potential buyers are very well informed thanks to technological advances. In most cases, the purchase decision is not made due to technical differentiators, but is guided by the sales consultant's ability to understand the real problems and pains that their client needs to solve. The 'feature presenter' salesperson is no longer suitable for capturing and retaining new customers. It has become necessary for salespeople to become true consultants and to serve as an interface for the technical and delivery areas, ensuring the optimal delivery of your value proposition.

We provide your sales team with the skills that will allow them to truly connect with the concerns of your market, generating long-term commercial relationships based on trust.

For this, we design training programs in conjunction with the commercial leaders of your organization focused on effective communication competencies for your sales team.


Innovation and experience at the service of your organization.

more in our interactive brochure in Prezi 
(spanish version only)

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